Saturday, January 31, 2009

Today is a beautifully cold day

I was remarking to one of my pets this morning that it's such a beautifully cold day. The sun crest through my small window at twenty minutes before the hour of seven this morning. The snow on the trees glistened. There are several rows of small stone markers that extend from the back of the building and sprawl up a small hill out back here. I call them soul markers where of course we bury our dead from this place- yes it's true. Sometimes they have no place to go when they die here, no family, no friends, no one wants them except the ground and worms that travel through the most soil. This time of year as you know the ground is frozen so it's very difficult to bury someone. Stephen my neighbor was rambling again all last nght about the "men" who are coming for him. Not certain what he's talking about, especially since I sometimes don't know what the hell I'm thinking about. But then when I awoke this morning and saw this beautiful day I saw what he was talking about. The "men" came last night but not for him, but for Roger who is in cubicle 27. The poor bastard died last night and as I was waiting for my daily allowence of essential vitamins and that good doc? I heard a thump, thump and it was Earl, the caretakeer trying to see how frozen the ground was..well after one or two hits, he managed to slip and fall on the ice that covers the ground out there..I had to laugh inside because he looked like a fool. He looked like he really hurt himself and when he got back up he slipped again. I could hear Jonah just a few cubicals down from me hysterically laughing, though I'm not sure if it was at Earl or at the random thoughts of terrors the poor bastard has. I think Roger heard him because he looked back towards us, squiniting to see if he was being watched. That's when I heard Jonah banging on the window and yelping as if at ball game. Well this set Earl off and so once he was able to stand, even wobbling in place he flipped off Jonah and basically crept his way to the back entrance of the building. Frankly I think it was stupid of Earl to even attemp this idiot test considering from three floors up I could tell that poor Roger wouldn't be buried today. In fact he joins Frances who died at the beginning of December and who sits in the moselium on the grounds. At least Roger and Frances have something in common now. In this world they were crazier than shit house rats. Frances would pick these scabs on his body that he thought kept moving around. The problem was that someone, I can't say who, ok it was orderly Wilson dropped his pen which rolled under Frances' bed. Well poor Frances was so obbessed with these mysterious soars, that when he found Wilson's pen he just started digging into the side of his neck until they stopped moving. Wilson was suspended or something, pehaps elevated in keeping the head count low here. So that how Frances was taken. Roger just died I suppose, but who knows, my information is scarce since the inmates are nuts and the staff here is even crazier for taking care of us..Yes Doc, I have to wrap it up for now, thanks for listening...

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